Sale of Surplus Properties

There are currently no surplus properties for Montgomery County.


For a property to appear on the surplus property list, two things have occurred:

  • The parcel was sold by Montgomery County in a tax sale; and
  • The redemption period for the property has expired.

Terms of Sale

  • All surplus sales are conducted under the authority of T.C.A. 67-5-2507 et. seq
  • All properties sold at the surplus land sale are sold as is, without any warranties.
  • All bids must be received no later than 10 a.m. on the published date at the Montgomery County Purchasing Office:

Mrs. Stephanie Morlock, Director
RE: Surplus Land Sale Bid
350 Pageant Lane, Suite 101-E
Clarksville, Tennessee 37041 

  • Bids must be made on the official Montgomery County Government, Invitation To Bidders Purchasing Department Form. A list of properties and bid forms are available at the above Purchasing Department location.
  • Following the public bid opening, notice will be placed in a local newspaper stating the highest bid on each property. Properties will be identified by State Tax Map Number, property address, name of the highest bidder, and amount of the bid.
  • During the ten (10) days following publication of the above notice in the newspaper, any party may offer to increase the published highest bid by ten percent (10%) or more. This offer must be proposed in writing to the Montgomery County Purchasing Office. The offer must include property address, map and parcel identification and bid amount. It must be signed and dated to include bidder's name, address and phone number. The offer must be received in the purchasing agent's office within the ten-day period.
  • If no 10% higher offers are received, at the end of the ten-day period, the highest published bidder has purchased the property as bid. The Montgomery county Trustee's Office will notify the winning bidder by telephone.
  • That person will have 72 hours to appear at the Trustee's office and pay for the property. A tax receipt will be issued and the bidder is responsible to pay the bid amount as directed. This is a cash sale. The highest bidder must pay the bid amount using cash, cashier's check, or money order.
  • If a higher offer is received, the Purchasing Office will notify the party making the highest published bid and fix a day where all qualified parties shall appear to make offers. This will be conducted as a live bidding between the two parties with delinquent tax attorney, Austin Peay VII, conducting the bidding.
  • Each person winning the highest bid for a property must pay a recording fee and transfer tax in order to register the Title Deed at the Register of Deeds office.
  • This must be paid upon completion of the surplus land sale after the winning bidder is determined. Delinquent tax attorney, Austin Peay VII will prepare a deed for the purchaser(s).
  • Each parcel will be sold to the person making the highest and best offer, subject to the minimum bid requirements.
  • Montgomery County reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
  • Bids less than the minimum bids will be accepted, but approval of such bids is subject to the discretion of the Trustee and the approval of the Montgomery county Tax Release and Surplus Land Committee.
  • If any parcels do not sell at the auction, the Montgomery county Tax Release and Surplus Land Committee may grant permission to offer the land for sale at a fixed price.