Overview/Strategic Plan
Montgomery County’s Emergency Management Agency is the managing body charged with coordinating responses to natural and man-made disasters that may occur within the borders of Montgomery County, Tennessee. With just five staff members, our EMA oversees all four phases of the emergency management cycle, including:
This includes ongoing efforts to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards and their effects). Montgomery County has a fully accredited Hazard Mitigation Plan, which provides a hazard analysis and risk assessment for Montgomery County and the City of Clarksville.
This includes plans and preparations designed to save lives and facilitate response and recovery operations. The major measures of preparedness include the development of an Emergency Operations Plan; recruiting, assigning, and training staff; identifying resources and supplies, and designating facilities for emergency use.
Response encompasses all activities taken to save lives and reduce damage from a disaster or other event. This includes providing emergency assistance to victims, restoring critical infrastructure, and ensuring continuity of critical services. This involves implementation of the above-mentioned preparedness plans.
The goal of the recovery phase is to return the community’s systems and activities to normal. This phase may last from just a few days to several years. Long-term recovery includes restoring economic activity and rebuilding community facilities and housing. Montgomery County’s EMA also is certified by the National Weather Service as a “Storm Ready” community, and hosts annual “Weather Spotter” classes which train citizens in early detection of severe inclement weather conditions. Montgomery County was one of the first counties in Tennessee to earn this certification, which must be renewed every three years (our certification is valid through 2011).
In addition to these programs, our EMA also facilitates the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). This program educates citizens in disaster preparedness techniques and trains them in basic disaster-response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. Using CERT training, community members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event, and can take a more active role in preparing their community. The program is administered by the Department of Homeland Security. Montgomery County teaches CERT twice yearly. For more information about attending classes, contact Montgomery County EMA at 931-648-5702.
Regarding matters of national security, Montgomery County’s EMA has been selected as the host agency for Homeland Security District 7, which is comprised of Cheatham, Dickson, Houston, Humphreys, Montgomery, Robertson, and Stewart counties, along with the areas of Fort Campbell, Ky., and the Tennessee Valley Authority region. Members meet regularly to keep abreast of Homeland Security issues within the District, and to coordinate projects for Homeland Security Grant funds.
And finally, no Emergency Management Agency could be designated as such without a fully functional fire service. The Montgomery County Volunteer Fire Service is a long-standing public/private partnership organized into five districts featuring six stations, which provide emergency response services to areas of Montgomery County outside the City of Clarksville. Each station is strategically located to ensure maximum participation by volunteer firefighters and rapid response to emergencies. These stations are located in Palmyra, St. Bethlehem, Woodlawn, Cunningham, Sango, and the New Providence area (home of the Montgomery County Rescue Squad). In addition to these main stations, Cunningham has two sub-stations, one in Southside and one in the Salem communities. Palmyra has a sub-station located in the Cumberland Heights neighborhood, and Woodlawn has a sub-station located in the Dotsonville community.
While Montgomery County Government provides the Fire Service’s equipment, vehicles, utilities, and insurance, the all-volunteer force must provide the fire stations, fire hall furnishings, personnel, and much of the operational funding. To meet their portion of the funding requirements, the more than 200 volunteer firefighters and their families and friends host fund-raising events, solicit donations, and oftentimes give of their own resources to serve the citizens of Montgomery County.
Strategic Plan
Mission Statement
To provide disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, fire prevention, fire protection, rescue; to coordinate local and regional emergency services and recovery services to minimize loss of life and property. Functions as grant administrator of Homeland Security funds.
- Federal and State mandates, increased reporting requirements and deadlines to include mitigation planning and the Basic Emergency Operations Plan.
- Jurisdictions must comply with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 and Presidential Directive 8, which directs jurisdictions across the nation to be trained on a standardized National Incident Management System (NIMS) in order to continue receiving federal funding.
- Emergency Management Agency is the host agency for Homeland Security District 7, which is comprised of Montgomery and six surrounding counties. As the host agency, Emergency Management is responsible for grant administration and coordination of regional emergency services.
- Public awareness of disaster planning for themselves and their families is critical for minimizing the loss of life and property during an emergency or disaster.
- Equipment maintenance and/or upgrades are necessary for the safety of employees and fire service volunteers.
- To have a sufficient number of trained people to respond to emergencies.
Mitigation Planning, Emergency Preparedness (NIMS, Homeland Security, GIS), Emergency Operations Planning, Response to Natural Disasters, Response to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive incidents, Recovery Services, Special Events Coordination (festivals), Public Awareness (Emergency Notification System, Speaking engagements, brochures, presentations, et Cetera), Community Training (CERT, Weather Spotter Classes), Fire Prevention Education, Fire Protection (i.e. structure, vehicle, wildland, and other), Hazardous Materials Response, Emergency Medical First Responders, Search & Rescue, Water Rescue, Extrication, Traffic Control, Weather-related incidents, Grant Administration for District 7 (Cheatham, Dickson, Houston, Humphreys, Montgomery, Robertson and Stewart counties), Coordination of District 7 Emergency Service Agencies, Maintain List of District 7 Resources, Maintain Contact List of key people within each agency in District 7 and Provide response to District 7 communities as needed.